Southsea Infant School

Southsea Infant School

Sailing Into Success

Collingwood Rd, Southsea, Portsmouth, Southsea PO5 2SR

023 9282 8176



  • If your child is unwell and cannot attend school, please let us know via Studybugs or by telephoning the school office. If we don’t hear from you by 9:15am, we will contact you.
  • You need to contact us on each day that your child is absent.
  • In the case of coughs and colds without a temperature, we are happy for children to attend school and can administer ‘Calpol’ (parents must provide this and sign to give permission).
  • There is useful guidance from the NHS to help you decide if your child is too ill for school here
  • Where possible, we expect routine medical/dental appointments to be made out of school hours.
  • DFE guidance states that we are not able to authorise planned absences e.g. term-time holidays, unless in exceptional circumstances. Requests must be made in advance using the Leave of Absence Form. 
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