Southsea Infant School

Southsea Infant School

Sailing Into Success

Collingwood Rd, Southsea, Portsmouth, Southsea PO5 2SR

023 9282 8176

School Values & Learning Powers

Our Vision is of a caring school community where every child is happy, will achieve their best, become confident, ambitious, responsible and independent through exceptional teaching and by knowing our children really well as individuals, we will nurture a lifelong love of learning and a thirst for knowledge.

School Values & Learning Powers

At Southsea Infant School we truly believe that all children have the right to feel safe, cared for and valued whilst receiving the very best education we can offer. Through our carefully selected learning powers, we encourage our children to have the highest of aspirations for their future and support them to become lifelong learners. These learning powers permeate our curriculum, extra curricular activities and compliment the caring ethos of our school.



We teach children not to give up even when they find things hard. By doing this they build resilience so that they have strategies to cope when they make mistakes or things don’t go to plan.

Through collaboration, children are given opportunities to learn from each other and communicate effectively. It also allows children to appreciate and reflect on their own and others needs and viewpoints.

We actively encourage our pupils to believe that they can accomplish anything that they put their minds to. We celebrate those who challenge themselves to be better learners and citizens within our community, promoting them to be the best versions of themselves.

When children learn to be independent, they are able to take control of their own future. We encourage independence so that they are able to make decisions and take responsibility for their success.

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